Human Resources

The population of the Zhetisu region as of October 1, 2024 was 696.1 thousand people, including 311.8 thousand people (44.7%) - urban, 384.3 thousand people (55.2%) - rural residents.
The number of unemployed in the III quarter of 2024 was 15,070 people.
The unemployment rate was 4.8% of the labor force.
The number of persons registered with the employment authorities as unemployed as of October 1, 2024 was 13,989 people, or 4.5% of the labor force.
The average monthly nominal wage accrued to employees (excluding small enterprises engaged in entrepreneurial activity) in the III quarter of 2024 was 280,464 tenge, an increase compared to the III quarter of 2023. amounted to 8.0%.

Number and wages of hired employeesNovember 2024

List number of employees,  people Actual number of employees, people Average list of employees for the reporting period, people Actual number of employees on average for the reporting period, people
III quarter as a percentage of including women III quarter as a percentage of including women for January-September as a percentage of the corresponding period  of the previous year including women for January-September as a percentage of the corresponding period  last year including women
previous quarter Corresponds to last year's quarter previous quarter Corresponds to quarter of last year
103,536 95.7 96.6 57,344 97,644 94.9 96.2 53,129 101,830 95 56,857 96,287 94.9 52,978

Employee wage fund in thousands of tenge.

III quarter for January-September 2024
Total as a percentage of total as a percentage
to the corresponding period of the previous yeara
previous  quarter corresponding quarter of the previous year
62,794,046.20 84.3 112.4 190,848,315.90 115.3

Number of employees and average monthly wages by main types of economic activity

actual number of employees, people wage fund of employees, thousand tenge average monthly nominal wage of one employee actual number of employees  on average for the reporting period, people wage fund of employees, thousand tenge average monthly nominal wage of one employee
tenge as a percentage of total including women tenge corresponding to the period of the previous year, in percent
total including women previous quarter corresponding to  quarter of last year
Total 97,644 53,129 62,794,046.20 214,364 88.8 116.8 96,287 52,978 190,848,315.90 220,231 121.5
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 859 233 358,683.50 139,186 96.9 110.1 860 227 1,062,953.80 137,333 114.5
Crop and livestock production, hunting and provision of related services 799 230 337,329.30 140,730 96.9 110.4 800 224 998,330.30 138,657 114.6
Forestry and logging x x x 118 634 96.3 108.7 x x x 119 673 114.4
Fishing and fish farming - - - - - - - - - - -
Industry 9,077 2 276 5,171,059.50 189,896 104.7 119.2 9 008 2,325 14,189,360.50 175,022 120.3
Mining and quarrying 69 37 27,591.60 133,293 74.9 83.5 72 36 98,042.40 151,300 99.4
Manufacturing 4,611 1,185 3,090,491.90 223,414 107.6 < /td> 121.7 4,554 1,223 8,355,476.70 203,862 124.6
Electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning 2,837 672 1,249,124.60 146,766 111.2 2,844 672 3,581,163.50 139,911 114
Water supply; waste collection, treatment and disposal, pollution control activities 1,560 382 803,851.40 171,763 105.7 137.2 1,538 394 2,154,677.90 155,662 128.7
Construction 1,793 195 979,128.90 182,028 102.6 90.7 1,722 202 2,790,118.10 180,031 102.4
Wholesale and retail trade; car and motorcycle repair 2,028 955 1,026,368.50 168,700 108 ,6 117.5 2,076 975 2,995,077.00 160,302 115.1
Transportation and warehousing 4,479 1,275 4,913,193.80 365,647 105.2 < /td> 147.6 4,591 1,294 14,226,170.30 344,301 152.5
Provision of accommodation and nutrition x x x 158 498 134.3 132.9 x x x 131 790 107.7
Information and communication 270 110 153 972.90 190,090 81.2 119.9 259 109 469,955.10 201,611 119.6
Financial and insurance activities 1,880 1,229 1,760,058.60 312,067 82.3 119.9 1,898 1,243 5,592,760.80 327,407 128.5
Real estate transactions 916 260 270 101.70 98,290 100 109.7 655 194 593,908.40 100,697 110.3
Professional, scientific and technical activities 1,347 599 703 249.90 174 029 111.2 125.1 1,437 633 2,018,630.20 156,084 117.3
Administrative and support services activities 2,227 < /td> 131 712,493.20 106,645 88 96.4 2 172 113 2,020,000.20 103 335 98.7
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